Sunday, September 2, 2012

Smoking in Public Places

Smoking Should Be Banned In Public Places
Second hand smoke is a danger to anyone and everyone exposed to it. People should be able to enjoy being in public places without being exposed to smoke. Even though everyone has the right to smoke, that does not mean other should be put in harm’s way. One in one hundred people around the world die from second hand smoke each year, and two thirds of those deaths occur in children. According to health officials, more than one billion people around the world smoke. Five million people die each year from tobacco-related illness according to the world health organization. The one billion smokers in the world are exposing billions of non-smokers to one of the top indoor pollutants.
Some areas may separate their facility in a “smokers” are and a “non-smokers” area, but that is not enough to put a stop to this public hazard. There is no risk-free level of exposure to someone else’s smoke. People exposed to second hand smoke are at risk of death from lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. Fourteen states have already passed what are considered comprehensive smoke-free work place laws. Overall, smoking in public places has negative health effects. The second hand smoke is a danger to everyone. Lingering odors of smoke could also be unpleasant to anyone around the area. If smoking were banned, we would also have a significant reduction in the littering of cigarette buds.

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