Saturday, November 24, 2012

Should the U.S. have an open borders policy for migrants?

An open border is a border that allows free movement of people between different jurisdictions with limited or no restrictions to movement. A border can either be open due to the legislation allowing its people across its borders or it may be open due to a lack of adequate supervision of the border which allows the free movement of people across the border.  In modern countries, borders are either open or closed. Areas that have open borders such as the European Union and the American states, allow easy navigation in and out from one country to another. However, there are some countries that enforce closed borders, restricting the movement and entry of citizens. Recently, there has been a vocal movement to close the U.S border and to take steps in assuring it is tightly sealed, especially along the Mexican border. There are also those who argue that the government should not intervene in the border control issues, but should open the borders so for the labor market to determine the flow of immigrants into the country.
                People who argue against the open borders may believe that opening borders could stunt the economic growth and prosperity. In addition, they may also believe that American political culture must be protected, and having immigrants may alter American values and beliefs, and weaken the polity. They may also argue that policing borders is necessary to control drug trafficking and other illegal activity. People who argue for open borders think about how the free market is best equipped to regulate the flow of laborers from one country to another. They may argue that open borders promote cultural diversity, that American exposure to new beliefs and ideas may benefit democratic deliberation. In addition, policing borders is economically inefficient, and the amount of money the national government spends on border security could be better spent on other programs.

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